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Artículos en inglés


Is the recovery of Cuba's sugar industry possible?

The news about the upcoming execution of 16 projects, with foreign investment, to modernize the 

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The Federation of Cuban Women: Feminism Went into a Tailspin

"And may there not  be a single place in Cuba where the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) is not constituted, and not a single revolutionary woman who is not a member of the Federation of Cuban Women," Fidel Castro said on August 23, 1960.

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The FEU: from Autonomy to Subordination

Originally emerging during the process that saw the emergence and strengthening of Cuban civil society in the 1920s, the Federation of University Students (FEU) marks its centennial reduced to a component of the totalitarian system overseen by the

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Down with the foreign embargo? All right, but what about the internal one?

On November 3 the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted a resolution against the U.S. embargo against Cuba, with 185 votes in favor, two against, and two abstentions.

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'Granma's disingenuous explanation of why so many Cubans are emigrating

In "Some truths about the illegal migration of Cubans", an article published in the newspaper Gr

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The lack of a middle class in Cuba and the economy's decline

The middle class occupies an intermediate position between workers and the business class.

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Yes, Cuba is a Failed State

"The U.S. government is following a script, seeking to portray Cuba as a failed state," grumbled Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla on Wednesday, November 10, during his appearance before the accredited diplomatic corps in Cuba.

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Public Demonstrations: Crime or Right?

Public demonstrations - a social phenomenon never seen in Cuba in the last six decades - broke out across the country, simultaneously, with a wave of massive protests on 11 July.

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